
Crisis Intervention Policy

Dec 3, 2023

**Education [Early Childhood Centres] Regulations 2008: Subpart 2, 46 1d,46 2,45 1a (ii),46c (i) (ii) (iii)


Early Childhood on Stafford acknowledges that all children, parents/guardians, and teachers have the right to an environment which keeps them free from physical and emotional harm.


To provide for the safety and welfare of all service users

To identify the steps to be taken by staff in a crisis situation

Steps to be taken in the advent of an emergency

  • The protection and safety of all concerned must be the first consideration
  • Staff must attend to their personal safety before others.
  • The predetermined safe area for all children and staff will be the under 2 room
  • On implementing all evacuation procedures it is important that staff take the Tablet and a cell phone.
  • Staff need to have formulated an agreed procedure that will keep themselves and children safe should an external evacuation not be appropriate e.g. threatening person in the grounds.
  • On all crisis occasions, the staff will inform the Directors of Early Childhood on Stafford who will then co-ordinate the management of the event.If the Directors are unavailable then the person responsible will manage this role until Directors are able to intervene.
  • If we need to evacuate we will take children and accompanying adults to our local civil defence co-ordinator at Mornington School.  Parents are informed daily on our screen that this is where we would evacuate to. Notes will be physically left to inform parents where we have evacuated to.
  • Until we wait for further information in a large scale emergency, all children will be kept on our premises.  WE have a weekly supply of food which we would utilize if we could not evacuate.

Steps to be taken in the advent of an emergency


  1. Evacuate Building as per stated evacuation procedure

Substance/Noxious Weeds Contact:

  1. Assess situation - seize and/or isolate containers/ packets/ plant for identification.
  2. Dial 111, call Ambulance  (if appropriate)
  3. Identify child/children involved - separate from others.
    [Refer exclusion procedure in Child Health Policy]
  4. Staff member to remain with child/children involved at all times.
  5. Notify Directors Early Childhood on Stafford for support and placement of extra staff if they are not present.

Bomb Scare:

  1. In the case of unidentified parcel/object, evacuate the Centre. One teacher to remove parents phone number directory, sign in register and cell phone on leaving the building.
  2. Once outside, notify the police.
    Note: In the case of a telephone call to say a bomb is on the premises, evacuate the Centre as in the above procedures.  If the caller gives any information pass this on to the Police.

Hostage Situation:

  1. Stay calm, obey all instructions from the person involved, care for children.
  2. If able, gather children and leave the scene. This step should be taken only if it does not jeopardize those remaining. Notify the Police.


  1. If teacher witnesses incident, record person description, car, license plate number. Note time, number of children involved.
  2. Bring all children inside and secure area as in predetermined plan.
  3. Contact Police. Do full roll count, then notify the Directors Early Childhood on Stafford if not present.
  4. Police to contact parent/caregiver.
  5. If a child/children notifies the teacher that a child has been taken against their will, in unusual circumstances, separate child/children so they are with a staff member. Bring all children inside, secure area and do a full roll count.
  6. Contact the Police then notify the Directors of Early Childhood on Stafford if not present.
  7. Police to contact parent/caregiver.


  1. If a firearm is brought into the centre or grounds, remove all children who can be safely removed to the agreed area of the predetermined plan.
  2. Parent/Teacher who accompanies children contacts the Police. Do not return to building stay with children. Notify the Directors if they are not on the floor.
  3. Staff inside to obey all instructions and try to keep children calm.


Early Childhood on Stafford will follow Ministry of Health guidelines as accessed from Health and Education Ministry website

Steps to be taken following an emergency

  1. Ensure all families/whanau of those involved are informed. If we vacate the premises a note will be left on access doors detailing where we have gone to and a message if possible will be left recorded on our telephone.
  2. A written statement is to be prepared by the Directors and is to be hand delivered to parents as they come in to the Centre.
    **Note: **Those not present at the Centre must also receive a written statement.
  3. Early Childhood on Stafford Directors will co-ordinate the advising the Ministry of Education, Police and Ministry of Social Development as appropriate. The Directors will release a media statement if appropriate -this should be the statement prepared for the Centre community.
  4. Early Childhood on Stafford Directors will ensure ongoing support/counseling is available for all concerned.
  5. A clear written resume of events must be maintained as they occur and stored for future reference.

Refer: Excursion Policy also

Adopted: November 2020

Review Date: November 2022

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