Food Safety Act 2014
Early Childhood on Stafford values the importance of providing nutritious and safe food options for children attending our centre. We believe it is important that all children are provided with the option of food /meals whilst attending our centre that is provided with the highest standard of food care. We also will endeavour as much as practical to supply food options that meets the wide variety of food allergies and ensure that these children who have allergies are not financially penalized because of this.
Early Childhood on Stafford will fufil all its requirements that are required to meet the Food Safety Act 2014, The Food Regulations 2015 and its ability to operate under National Food Programme 2.
We will provide nutritious food from the four food groups including Fruit/vegetables, grains, milk products, and legumes, seeds, seafood, eggs or poultry, and or red meat with the fat removed. Children who have allergies to food will be provided with appropriate options.
We will prepare foods that use unsaturated fats, that are low in salt, contain little or no sugar and are mostly “whole” as opposed to processed. They will also be age appropriate and prepared and presented in a way that encourages positive engagement from children.
All children will be encouraged to eat the food when its presented. Alternative options may be provided if the child does not eat the food presented, or has sensory issues with the consistency / texture of meal.
Staff will work alongside the whanau in supporting food choice and interactions
A menu will be displayed weekly informing whanau of meals planned.
We will adhere to the processes to reduce Choking risks to children and will not serve food in a state that is considered risky.
Staff involved in the preparation of food will update training annually to ensure they keep current in their food knowledge.
Also refer to:
Adopted: March 2021
Review Date: March 2023