
Communication and Consultation Policy

Dec 3, 2023

Education [Early Childhood Centres] Regulations 2008: Subpart 2 43 1a (vi) 1b,1c (ii), 47 1b (i) 47 1d


Early Childhood on Stafford is committed to regular open, two-way communication between, parents, whanau, employees and the wider Community. The Directors seek effective communication and consultation with all stakeholders whilst also meetings its requirements under Te Tiriti o Waitangi Principles of Partnership, Participation, and Protection

Effective Communication and Consultation will be maintained by:

  • The use of the electronic notice board to inform of visitors, happenings and special events
  • The use of phone calls, e-mail and scheduled appointments to discuss child/centre issues
  • Staff and parents/whanau/caregivers sharing daily information on child's milestones, educational, health issues and well being through kanohi ki te kanohi(face to face) and digital platforms
  • the distribution of newsletters by email (through the Storypark App) informing of centre events and programme achievements
  • inviting  stakeholders to contribute to policy development and centre yearly plan
  • Formally reporting to the community of the achievements of Early Childhood on Stafford and how state funding [from the government] has been invested in the education and care of the children that attend
  • The most recent ERO report will be available for all parents/community to access
  • the circulation of questionnaires/survey/exit forms to seek feedback on user satisfaction and to improve quality of service provision
  • Consulting with community [both formally and informally] should there be any proposed change to operations

Effective Communication and Consultation will be maintained with employees by:

  • Regular monthly staff meetings
  • Continual review and development of centre protocols/expectations
  • The development of an Internal review plan with Annual achievements timetabled
  • Consulting with staff [both formally and informally] should there be any proposed change to operations

Adopted: November 2019

Review Date: November 2021

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