
Financial Policy

Dec 2, 2023

Education [Early Childhood Centres] Regulations 2008:  Subpart 2 47 1 c(i), 2 47 (1) e


The Directors of Early Childhood on Stafford will ensure good financial management will make optimum use of funding to ensure that Early Childhood on Stafford will meet its' stated requirements.


Income to Early Childhood on Stafford is gained by Government Bulk Funding and fees charged

Early Childhood on Stafford will prepare an Annual Budget.  This budget will reflect planned operational and strategic expenditure.

Our financial year is from 1^st^ April  to 31^st^ March .  At the conclusion of the financial year the accounts will be audited by a member of the NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants.

Early Childhood on Stafford will prepare a special purpose financial report to be presented to the community outlining how subsidies received from the Ministry of Education have been spent.

Financial Management

The Directors have the sole signing authority for monies spent on behalf of the Centre.

All debts will be settled in a timely manner.

Staff shall be reimbursed for costs of teaching resources on the condition that this has prior approval and the resources remain the property of the centre.

The directors will monitor overdue accounts and take proactive steps to resolve the debt.

Outstanding debts from fees owed to the Centre will be referred to an outside collection agency and collection costs incurred will be passed on to the debtor.

Adopted: February 2023

Review Date: February 2024

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