
Health And Safety Review Policy

Dec 2, 2023

20Education [Early Childhood Centres] Regulations 2008:

Subpart 2 45 1a (i)(ii),45 (b),45 (2),46 1(a) (b)(c) (i)(ii)(iii),46 (d),46 (2)


This policy is to ensure that the environment is regularly monitored so that children's health and well-being are promoted and that they are kept safe from harm. The Centre environment will be regularly inspected and modified through a systematic process. This will include:


  • Checking of the safety of sand/bark areas, paths[especially for sand and nails] and all climbing/outdoor play equipment. This is to be recorded in the check section of Safety Monitor.
  • The raking of sand areas to check for animal droppings both before and after children have left.
  • Checking that the toilet facilities are in a hygienic state and hand-washing provisions are appropriately presented and resourced
  • Indoor floor surfaces are clean and dry
  • Food surfaces and utensils are clean and adequate supplies of drinking water are available
  • Assessing the risks that sun exposure will have for children and that protective measures are taken - eg shade areas, wearing of hats by both adults and children
  • The release of any contained water to minimise likelihood of drownings.
  • The completion of the Safety Checklist Risk Register before any excursion happens and all points on that list are signalled as considered and managed.
  • The removal of any broken equipment or object that could cause harm to children's well being and informing the Directors so that the equipment can be repaired or replaced.
  • Doorways are kept clean, clear and free of sand and other objects that could cause a child to slip or trip.


  • The checking of safe fall surfacing depths and distances of climbing equipment in relation to each other

  • The hosing down of sand equipment, the sweeping of pathways,


  • The completion of the Hazard Identification List
  • Staff will be current in first aid training
  • Policies and procedures will be reviewed in conjunction with the Harmless Workplaces to ensure they meet current Health and Safety obligations

Adopted: October 2020

Review Date: October 2022

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