
Self Review And Performance Monitoring Policy

Dec 2, 2023

Education [Early Childhood Centres] Regulations 2008:

Subpart 2 45 1,45 b, 47 1,2,


Early Childhood on Stafford will regularly review, evaluate and modify its policies, objectives and practices to improve the quality of its service.

  • All Early Childhood on Stafford policies will be reviewed within a three-year cycle.
  • Early Childhood on Stafford community will be invited to comment on the policy (also displayed on the website) and procedures during this review period
  • Early Childhood on Stafford's use of government subsidies will be made available to parents/guardians, whanau, Iwi, the Ministry of Education and the local community.
  • A year plan will be created annually to identify what areas will be reviewed and what targets have been set to help improve curriculum and service delivery at Early Childhood on Stafford. Parents/whanau and staff will be asked to contribute to this.
  • Elements include but are not limited to Financial Targets, building/property development/improvements, equipment updates, programming evaluations, Staff development
  • This cycle of review will be published annually (on website and displayed by front door) so all parents/whanau and staff can plan for the review period
  • Completion and progress of plan will be reported annually to the parents/whanau and community in the newsletter.
  • The review process will involve participation from both the service users and staff and will be documented.

Adopted: March 2020

Review Date: March 2023

Refer Financial Policy, Appraisal Policy, Health and Safety Policy

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