
Staff Professional Development Policy

Dec 2, 2023

Education [Early Childhood Centres] Regulations 2008: : 2, 10a, 11b


All Centre employees need access to professional development that develops professional growth and quality practices within Early Childhood on Stafford.  Through responsive, on-going training, teachers will demonstrate an understanding of current theory and principles of learning and development and the different characteristics of infants, toddlers, and young children.

An Annual Budget will be set and all reasonable barriers to attendance will be addressed. This includes leave, support and costs.

All staff will fulfil the requirements of the Appraisal Policy.

Professional development will be linked to appraisal and that priority for access will be given to staff for training in identified areas.

The Directors of Early Childhood on Stafford are committed to a professional development culture that encourages and supports staff to source and initiate relevant training opportunities.

Staff will be encouraged to actively share resources/practices/ knowledge gained from  training/professional reading with their colleagues

Professional development spending will be reported in the annual financial statement that is shared with whanau on how government funding received is spent

Copies of all professional development completed will be held at Early Childhood on Stafford

Adopted: April 2021                     Review Date: April 2023

Refer Appraisal Policy

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